welcome to the demon lair

pirate song

[in 2003 Johnny Depp ruled!]

every law abiding man, every woman and child

run for cover when pirates appear

I've always been different, to my father's despair

I'm a groupie and I don't know fear…

take me to the sea, rescue me from boredom's reign!

 I want men who wear make-up, I want men who can fight

I want men who wear more rings than me!

I want men who take drugs – a lot, obviously…

I want Captain Jack Sparrow tonight!

take me to the sea, rescue me from boredom's reign!

I spent some time with him but he never came close

rather chose to get drunk and pass out…

and I wonder if this is because he prefers men

or because it's a Disney film?!

take me to the sea, rescue me from boredom's reign!